Illegal Immigrants: We Suffer Too!
This entry was posted on 5/30/2006 5:17 PM and is filed under Contraversy.
A HUGE debate with Americans angry over the bandaide tactics of BUSH and the unethical demands of illegals is the hot topic and protest scenes all over the country.
This debate has many depths in the contributing factors to the already existing poor economy that most of the government tries to hush everyday.
How can we take in more people when we have millions of families on the streets and in homeless shelters already?
How can we provide jobs to those outside the country when individuals with college education can be found unemployed and living on the streets via downsizing?
Shouldn't we solve America's financial problems before allowing more people to live here?
Shouldn't we be better educating other countries about our poor economic status?
I've talked to people from many countries around the world who sincerely believe we are the richest country in the world living lives of splendor and luxury.. Shouldn't we be publicizing that we may be the richest of all countries, but we are NOT rich! Isn't it time they knew that over 90% of Americans have bad credit or have been through bankruptcy? Shouldn't they know the average yearly income is 30,000 but the cost of just necessities is around 40,000-50,000?
I wonder, if they knew this before they came, would they still come?
These illegal immigrants come here and are hired by companies who wish to find cheap sweat shop type workers who will do all the grunt work for minimal pay which is only accepted by these illegals because it pays
more then in their country, later to discover they still can't meet the economic hikes in rent and necessities!
IS this the country of opportunity? The land of economic and social freedoms or are these illegals becoming victims for the word "opportunity"?
Other points include this land of the free and brave has problems of it's own with Americans being pushed out of work, educated individuals living on the streets and companies too cheap to hire good ole USA workers that ARE willing to do the grunt work and only asking to be paid what it takes to live!!
When I was in school I learned that the state and federal pay was supposed to meet the economic needs of the communities lived in. This means that pay raises were supposed to meet the needs of the people, then I got out of school only to learn that it doesn't work that way!
Everything in this country works and is priced according to trends! If a medicine is popular it costs us more, if a style of clothes or food is popular it's price is more.. In fact I learned that companies raise prices on the average up to 1000% to get the retail prices you pay!
It's madness and we sit here and take all this crap when we are the people and should be out there actively pushing for lower prices, better quality products and that includes illegal immigrants following the legal procedures to get into this country!
Illegal immigrants are like that mad man driving the highway during rush hour darting back and forth in the lanes just because one lane looks less congested. He thinks he can get further faster only to find the lane he darted into is running exactly the same speed as the lane he was in, except now 10 more people join the lane of traffic, cutting people off and driving insanely causing over crowding and dangerous situations resulting in loss of lives. All that happened was the poor slow traffic and overcrowding was moved from one lane to the other..
My opinion is this: I happen to love my community now with it's diverse culture and here Mexicans and foreign people do try to learn the language. I believe if done correctly we can provide a great place for all of us to grow, learn and make money, but everyone has to work together, do things legally and those illegal must make up for the error of their ways. If you want to be here, we love you, but please contribute.
And no more illegals, because most of you are good, but there are those walking across the borders and getting into our country like MS13 who are gang terrorists hell bent on destroying everything you came to this country for in the first place!
What you did was out of desperation for a better life, but realize that doing it illegally sends a message to bad people that they can go to Mexico, walk right across the border and take away the very reason you came to America!
Yes, you are working (most of you), but you need to be paying taxes. You did not come here to live off of us, but if we have to lose jobs, take pay cuts and end up paying for you that is not good for anyone.
This IS America, but we have our own problems too, so stand up, come through legally and become real true proud tax paying citizens..
If you aren't a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem..<--That goes for everyone USA or immigrants!
As for Bush: None of the candidates for president were any better this time, one a party animal and the other an extremist, so choosing you for many was not done with confidence! Best choice doesn't always mean a good thing!
This is NOT the time to say "Oops I did it again, I made a mistake"
Thought office was going to be one big party did ya?
I am sick of hearing how the airport security still sucks, national security can be penetrated and how millions of people can walk through our borders and say, "We're here now, what can you do to millions of us?"
I personally know men who have spent millions inventing security that would be better then what you have, only to be shot down told it is not good enough.. How can that be when what you have is not doing a damn bit of good? I would say anything better is workable for now and would provide more security then we have now!
Get your head out of your behind and make everyone of them accountable, file for citizenship, all the while posing a mandatory back tax penalty over the next 10 years on those who came here illegally, while making all of them pay current US taxes legal or not. Now, this tax penalty doesn't have to be much, even .5 to 1% of what they make over the next 10 years, plus the current tax rate will be enough to provide them with money to live on and help to start repair the damages they caused to the rest of us average people. You can put the rest on big daddy businesses who allowed them to work illegally cutting us out of jobs!
To the businesses: Make them each pay a HUGE penalty according to how many illegals they were found to have. This will provide millions and force companies to hire legal US citizens putting the job and the pay rates back to who and where they should be!
Again: I love all the culture in my community and most of my community immigrants are respectful and do speak English. It is just the illegals I have a problem with because they are putting the burden on us, causing us to lose jobs and pay rates we need to live as well.
We'd love to hear your thoughts on this :)
P.S. I hate to say this, but this is so out of control I think that we do need to do something to send a message that you can not walk over here illegally and get away with it! This is a matter of national security, a big hole in which bad people have used to get into our country. I believe all those illegal immigrants who are unemployed or have a criminal record need to be deported!
P.P.S Don't yell at me that I don't understand, because I grew up under the poverty level in a flood town, so I know full well the issues and desires of the less fortunate! And Im not bitter because I do want you here, I just want you here legally and paying taxes like the rest of us..
Related Links:
Bushes 5 point plan,0,263440.story?coll=ny-nationalnews-print
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