Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Scientology says NO Moaning During Labor &...

This entry was posted on 3/30/2006 3:18 AM and is filed under B-Rant and Rave about Anything Here.

Scientology WOW, Religion of the stars says you can't even moan while in labor!
Ok I am sorry, but why do the richest people on earth also fall for the most hardcore occult religions???

Yes I said occult religions, because these are the same twisted views that occults were trying to do, only some how this one made it all the way to being deemed a religion.

The same religion that told Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie to marry so Michael could look like he is a normal man who likes women instead of little boys and was the head honcho who created the disaster marriage of Lyle Lovette and Julia Roberts has reportedly told Katie Holmes (Tom Cruise's Pregnant Girlfriend) that she can not even moan during natural child birth, because it implants the screams in the babies brain, she can't see her child during the first 24 hours, she can't coddle her children and she can't give them traditional medicines when they are sick!

Ok how many of you remember being born? And how many of you have disorders from your mom screaming in labor pain at birth? EXACTLY!

OMG this is just one ring occult that just gets rich off the rich making up stupid and non-existent rules that have been proven to hurt children just so they can be called a religion!

YES, I believe in Natural Medicines, but a newborn baby is very fragile and needs regular care in addition to natural supplements. I mean if your newborn has a fever are you really going to wait for the natural doctor or would you take him/her to the emergency room????

Plus Natural Medicines can cause reactions just the same as traditional, so what happens when the fever wont go down and the child goes into it's first anaphylactic shock and has only minutes to get the epi-pen or die??

I am a woman who believes a little in all good religions but this religion endangers the lives of children from things we have protections against. I believe god gave us both natural and regular medicines as he created the scientists and doctors whom created them, so we are to use both when needed.

This religion is putting the lives of our children in the hands of luck, just so they can get into the rich mans wallet and I don't like it!

Shame on you Celebrities, Shame on you for listening to that crock and putting your children and yourself in danger just because some occult turned religion tells you to!

You are right, I don't know too much except what I read about Scientology, but what I read disgusts me already!


P.S. The head honcho is a MAN of course who else would say you can't scream when your in labor pain! I say we give him a little shot of what labor pains feel like. What do you say ladies? (Sorry guys I know most men understand and empathize with women in labor. This was meant for the control freak idiots out there who think divine order is when a woman serves a man) In case you don't get it, this is a rant, so I would never cause anyone harm, but people who hurt children make me insanely angry! The fact that people fall for this religion submitting the lives of their children to it make me even angrier!

The good news is Katie is already very nervous about this, so let's hope she can stand up for herself and her baby in time!

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