Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Are you or someone you know called irritable/sensitive?

Some times watching tv or seeing an ad for a health product we realize we
are or know someone having those symptoms, so we seek information and
share what we learn. This is one of those times..

I also realize that this may be an embarrassing topic for some, but isn't it
better to resolve a health issue then to leave it go and have it possibly get

Have you been told or been told you are irritable?

Are you or do you know a woman who has been told she can sometimes be
irritable once a month?

Do you feel out of control, depressed or unable to concentrate
about 2 weeks out of the month?

You may have PMDD, similar to PMS, but more severe symptoms wise.

PMDD emotionally and physically interrupts your life and it is believed
that heredity plays a key role, but not always. In other words there
is a chance if your mom or grandmother had it you too may have it.

The truth is most women don't even realize it is more then PMS and
some don't even think they have PMS at all, so it is best to take the
easy steps to find out.

To tell if you have it involves completing a body diary and getting an
examination by your physician. Some times they even want a
psychiatric evaluation to rule out every possible issue.

Diagnosis is simple and PMDD is easily treatable, so please visit
the website below to take the first step.

I urge you to pass this article along to all the women you know,
because PMDD ultimately affects everyone in some way or


Let's talk about this. If you know someone or you are someone who
has these symptoms please post about it below. No names please.

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