Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Scam: RotatorMaster

Recently brought to my attention by no other then a spammer was RotatorMaster a program that supposedly makes you money by using a special browser to automatically click on six different search engines who have paid the owner of RotatorMaster to help raise their ranks.

Claims the spammer: Website said he had made over 1100.00 by doing nothing but leaving this special browser and his downline doing it as well, but before i even joined running a simple check told me this!

1- Search of the name in google along with the word scam pops up a listing of people who have NOT been paid and are being ignored by admin of the program

2- FTC is working on shutting down auto-rotator programs similar, because they are scamming people with false claims

3. Search of google also finds many who were smart enough to recognize this is just a scam to build their website ranking for free.

4. Names, Search Engine Links are ALL hidden until you join and set up the browser

5. Site sent to was called Paidfornothing with claims that you get paid for doing nothing, yet there is a minimum requirement of leaving the browser on even if your downline leaves theirs on.

6. Site has hidden hyperlinks (link on top goes to different or extended link underneath)

7. First link I was sent to was unprofessional text page WHICH if he really made that amount of money, then WHY does Alexa tell us his traffic is very low??

9. Of course there is the RotatorMaster website which is slightly pro looking, no front page explanation is provided only a sign up link, terms, privacy info (etc).

10. Downloaded programs running on your computer are not only hacker friendly, but can cause your system to crash or worse break down. Your computer was not meant to be running programs like this!!! You simply do not know if that browser is really just clicking links or doing other dangerous things! It could be hacking yours and others computers in the background, running illegal transactions through your computer, sending out spam or worse viruses!

There was another company who attempted a similar type of thing, they had this program that took over your computer and used your internet connection to send out ads, but it turned out they were using your computer to spam, so they didn't get shut down themselves. Those users who fell for the promise of money ended up not disappointed, but had their internet connections stripped from them. The company was prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and the users could have been held legally responsible as well! You could get fined or have to go to jail!

OMG I just remembered the rules for most affiliates at search engines are that the affiliate himself can NOT click the links themselves and the use of programs to click or rotate to boost traffic rank or payment are expressly forbidden! Everyone is linked or is running through Google, even Yahoo uses google some. This means that legit search engines would not pay any company to use their program to auto-click as it would be a violation worthy of both being knocked out of the search engines like google they are trying to rank on top in and legal consequences!! <--If that doesn't convince you it's a scam then I don't know what will!

Results: RotatorMaster is just using "YOU" to get their site rank up really high. I'd venture to say that their "so called" search engines paying them are really their own in which they are also trying to use to climb Alexa and to the top of search engines! I bet a quick email to Google will have them found to be running an illegal operation and get them kicked off the major search engines..

So, Promises, but never any pay, unprofessional incomplete pages, ONE HUGE SCAM. STAY AWAY!

You know, I keep saying this every time, but I will say it again..

Often times simply googling the name of the company, along with the word scam will provide you with evidence it is a scam.

Now I don't just look for postings it is a scam, because there are trouble makers out there who try to ruin good programs too, but I look for people who have posted some details such as they are a member and have emailed admin with no response and have not been paid either, along with details that clue me in they are really a member.

Number one warning it may be a scam is if you receive spam of any form. If you didn't request it yourself put a red flag up! Not to mention who wants to join under some idiot who violated your privacy anyways right?

Common sense people, common sense..

Here's the link to just one of the valid complaints about RotatorMaster. It took me 15 seconds to detect this was a scam-program!


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