Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Rosie vs Donald Trump Feud

This is just immature! I never expected The Trumpster to be a name caller. I have no idea if what Rosie said is true, but I do know Trump would do everything he could to hide if he had ever had financial issues.. Take a look and tell me what you think? Does anyone know if he ever had financial issues?

Sorry the code was on error and I had to take the movie off, but please go to google and type in rosie and donald it will come up.

Scientology says NO Moaning During Labor &...

This entry was posted on 3/30/2006 3:18 AM and is filed under B-Rant and Rave about Anything Here.

Scientology WOW, Religion of the stars says you can't even moan while in labor!
Ok I am sorry, but why do the richest people on earth also fall for the most hardcore occult religions???

Yes I said occult religions, because these are the same twisted views that occults were trying to do, only some how this one made it all the way to being deemed a religion.

The same religion that told Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie to marry so Michael could look like he is a normal man who likes women instead of little boys and was the head honcho who created the disaster marriage of Lyle Lovette and Julia Roberts has reportedly told Katie Holmes (Tom Cruise's Pregnant Girlfriend) that she can not even moan during natural child birth, because it implants the screams in the babies brain, she can't see her child during the first 24 hours, she can't coddle her children and she can't give them traditional medicines when they are sick!

Ok how many of you remember being born? And how many of you have disorders from your mom screaming in labor pain at birth? EXACTLY!

OMG this is just one ring occult that just gets rich off the rich making up stupid and non-existent rules that have been proven to hurt children just so they can be called a religion!

YES, I believe in Natural Medicines, but a newborn baby is very fragile and needs regular care in addition to natural supplements. I mean if your newborn has a fever are you really going to wait for the natural doctor or would you take him/her to the emergency room????

Plus Natural Medicines can cause reactions just the same as traditional, so what happens when the fever wont go down and the child goes into it's first anaphylactic shock and has only minutes to get the epi-pen or die??

I am a woman who believes a little in all good religions but this religion endangers the lives of children from things we have protections against. I believe god gave us both natural and regular medicines as he created the scientists and doctors whom created them, so we are to use both when needed.

This religion is putting the lives of our children in the hands of luck, just so they can get into the rich mans wallet and I don't like it!

Shame on you Celebrities, Shame on you for listening to that crock and putting your children and yourself in danger just because some occult turned religion tells you to!

You are right, I don't know too much except what I read about Scientology, but what I read disgusts me already!


P.S. The head honcho is a MAN of course who else would say you can't scream when your in labor pain! I say we give him a little shot of what labor pains feel like. What do you say ladies? (Sorry guys I know most men understand and empathize with women in labor. This was meant for the control freak idiots out there who think divine order is when a woman serves a man) In case you don't get it, this is a rant, so I would never cause anyone harm, but people who hurt children make me insanely angry! The fact that people fall for this religion submitting the lives of their children to it make me even angrier!

The good news is Katie is already very nervous about this, so let's hope she can stand up for herself and her baby in time!

Truckers Revenge!!

This entry was posted on 11/2/2006 8:06 PM and is filed under B-Rant and Rave about Anything Here.

Once upon a time the only drivers on the road you could count on were the Truck Drivers, but.... NOT ANY MORE!

Day after day as I travel back and forth to my new home up route 70 which is a major freeway for truckers I am finding countless truckers making critical mistakes such as going way over the speed limit, riding or crossing the yellow line or worse cutting people off, but the other day topped them all...

As I came up 70 the driver of an SUV made the driving error of cutting off a trucker while entering the highway. The trucker in the dusty red tractor trailer with mustard colored writing immediately started riding the SUV's bumper. When the SUV switched lanes to the fast lane, the trucker proceeded to speed up, switch lanes and literally push the SUV up the highway. This was clear road rage which went on and worsened for about 5 minutes.

If course I got the truckers tag number and along with a description dialed the police from my cell phone I was crossing the jurisdiction lines, so they put me through to another police station which in turn put me through to another one who thanked me for calling and told me they would take care of it. Did they? I pray they did..

It is in my opinion that there should be no road rage, but truckers are driving lethal weapons which one tiny mistake can kill innocent people. This day the road happened to be rather busy, had he lost it about 5 cars including myself would have been in a serious fatal accident.

Road Ragers should not be on the road, let alone in a tractor trailer! Sadly I did not see a phone number and couldn't make out the company name on the truck to report him to his boss as well..

More Stories...

One night I was driving down 70 going about 75 when this company van decides it would be fun to try and push me to the slow lane.. Thinking of my own safety I went into the slow lane and he passed me ONLY to jump in front of me and go 72-73 miles an hour. He proceeded to do this to another car as well.

I told my fiance about the incident and that I had tried to get the phone number on the van, but it was very faded out gray color unreadable. We believe this was painted this way on purpose, because right above it there was an ad that was crystal clear. Unfortunately I was tired and it wasn't safe to write down the ad so he didn't get turned in.
The other day while driving back home I saw this tractor trailer who was speeding zooming in and out of traffic and almost jack knifed several times.

The sad part of this is that this is a major highway which is hardly monitored which has at least one bad accident a month on it!

If I reported every one of these incidents I see I would be on the phone 24/7!
A School Bus
I have seen countless school buses speeding on the highway (we're talking 75-80 miles an hour) no children on them thank god and one careless bus driver parked in a handicapped spot at McDonald's. I could be wrong, but I checked that vehicle over and haven't seen hide nor hair of a handicapped sign, sticker or seat..
Enterprise Van

Enterprise wont pick you up today.. Their van was seen in the medium after being involved in an accident in which it appeared no one else was involved in??? Hey, I am sure there was someone else there besides the police, but darn if I saw the other car involved??

Feel free to comment or add your stories below. Maybe together we can come up with a solution to these issues

Permission Based Spam Controlers ARE the WAVE of the future!

This entry was posted on 2/26/2006 3:28 AM and is filed under The ONLY effective spam-stopper.

I have no idea why companies are still producing word trigger software and scripts to stop spam, because they are ineffective!

The only spam control that works if permission based spam controlers, because they make the senders not in your address book ask for permission to send you mail!

Sadly most isp's and servers don't have this yet and it can be obtained free

One word for ya people "Boxtrapper" It works!

Don't get me started, lol

Reply Spammer Attacked Me!

This entry was posted on 2/26/2006 3:33 AM and is filed under Spam-Slams.

Ok there are some of us who listen to all the spam rules and laws and we send emails to only those we have done business with and we include our personal info just in case right?

Ok, well don't even get me started about that, but the other day I sent out some how are you and what you been up to emails asking permission to speak to them about a rating site I opened, remove info, personal address, name and permission all included and this one girl VICKY responds with AN AD.

Ok, Vicky I get the frickin point, but my email was a personal one to see how you are you could have at least replied with remove or fine.

I was told by another female to watch out for this one, because she is a scrapper, but I never thought I'd be at the receiving end of it.

BTW-Reply with ads to a permission based email IS illegal!

Yahoo Messenger/Dating Site Scam Men and Women scammed

Yahoo Messenger/Dating Site Scam Men and Women scammed
This entry was posted on 2/26/2006 3:03 AM and is filed under Scam-Alerts.

Scammers Names: Smith Patrick, Smith Williams, AKA Ricky Williams, Nick Williams, Becker Wellerman, Tola, Tola Rose, Rose Smith, Owoeye Adebayo Daniel, Ibraham Mohammad, Michael Dawadu, Becky Williams and tons more

Current usernames: rosesmith_rosesmith, Tola_Rose, smith_will5

This man loves the name smith, so he uses it as the last or first name, mixes and varieties of Williams, Will and Ricky,
His IM conversations are broken sentences, poor spelling and hardly ever starts a sentence with the proper word, though his emails are perfect only due to spell check! He says things like I love you and will always do, calls you angel, honey and love even when he plays a woman, lol

Headlines: Nigerian Man Poses as American/Canadian/Benin/Nigerian/ to run scams on unsuspecting Women usinhg the dating sites and Yahoo messenger

Headlines2: Nigerian man Poses as Female to scam unsuspecting men on dating sites and yahoo messenger

Scams running:
Quick run down if you dont want a long read and how to avoid this altogether

Look for men or women scamming on dating sites and yahoo with the following scenrios.
1. Starving Nigerian Model
2. From America, Canada or Benin but in Africa and can't leave til she pays off bills she made (asks for money)
3. I have a visa but not enough money to get to (various countries used) America, Canada, UK
4. I am from the Providence Of Benin and need money to pay bills
5. I am trying to get a Visa and get out of this country
6. Daddy is in Canada and wants to send me money but I cant accept international checks, can I send them to you and you cash them?
7. Mixture of all these with new twists
8. Stranded at a hotel (tells various reasons)
9. Money Needed For Doctor
10. Charity
11. Kidnapped
12. I love you, help me get there
13. Send the money to so and so (then they have this person send it to them in Nigeria)
14. Send the money to me in USA or other country (then they have this person send it to them in Nigeria)
15. In Africa on business and they need an account to send the money to
16. In Africa on business and I can't cash the checks here, so cash them for me
17. I'll send you a deposit for a product/service to buy for me
18. My friend is getting married and they don't ship it to Nigeria (said country) so can you please accept the packages and ship them off to her for me?
19. Package needs extra insurance on it
20. Embassy wont let me come home
21. I was robbed
22. Embassy has my passport and information
23. I want to help you so let me have your bank account info so I can send you some money

How to prevent being scammed:

1. Only date people who have webcams as photos LIE and never accept an id, because ID's can be made. Even money orders can be faked, very well!
2. Dont send any internet person money
4. Strangers don't talk about their finances with strangers, so if they start about it, then block them
Think about it: A stranger even a dirt poor one has too much pride to ask a stranger for money. Anyone who does ask someone they dont know is a scammer!

These people will court you for up to a year, even call you, don't fall for it!

Scam: Simon Stepsys Home Business Coach

Scam: Simon Stepsys Home Business Coach
This entry was posted on 3/3/2006 11:12 AM and is filed under Scam-Alerts.

Recently entered into my inbox was the extreme2ndincome scam run by no other then notorious UK scammer Simon Stepsys! Reading his emails IF YOU JUST READ THEM! You will know he is a scammer:

Let's point out some quick hints he is a scammer from his email:

1. Become a Home Business Coach <--says right on his lahd website he is a high school graduate NOT a College Graduate and gives hints to needing a fax machine, email and this over 90% of the time is how ponzis are run!
2. Claims to teach you how to become a home business coach, but upon further reading of email and websites he TEACHES YOU TO RECRUIT OTHERS FOR A FEE "CAN YOU SAY PONZI?"
3. Click here for more info links on him are cleverly disquised email get more info on business links
4. Site says fax machine and emails are used <--over 90% of the time anything done with a fax or combo of IS a PONZI
5. Claims He Six Figure Income Article, but when you click the link it is just his own site and a bio page
6. Upon check of the link doesn't work!

Simon Stepsys in trouble since 1998 (read all the way to the bottom)
Misleading Advertisements and Publications
Also has one of his customers who he scammed on there

1999-2005: Court for misleading ads AGAIN Simon Stepsys and Steven Gilruth
Further down the page in purple are the court case articles and other scams
People ordered products and never received them

According to the The Board Magazine the Stepsys Home Business Coach and related links in that email began circulation in 2003 with every victim looking for big money fast!

Has anyone out there ever listened when I say RUN NAMES AND PAGES THROUGH GOOGLE

All I did to find this info was scam, simon stepsys and I found 1 ad and 10 sites reporting it was a scam with proof! Why, why can't you just do this simple thing to protect yourself?

For the sake of idiots I have not posted the links to this scam and since the email changes so often I havent posted it either, because people have been known to click links and join scams even from scam report pages!!!


This entry was posted on 4/30/2006 1:30 PM and is filed under Scam-Alerts. is very obviously doing the same thing that Simon Stepsys and Monopolizer was by combing unrealistic, false stats and promises, knowing fair well they will be long gone before they have to prove it!!!

Religion: How candles are used in religion

Religion: How candles are used in religion

I have a very esteemed and wonderful friend with a beautiful soul who asked me to be an affiliate for her products wicks of wisdom. Wicks of wisdom is an ancient art of using candles and natural ingredients to bring about positive changes in your life.

I am 1/4 Cherokee Indian and grew up with a 100% Cherokee Grandma who as an infant named me Spirit Dove, meaning free spirit which she called perfectly. She also claims I am a horse whisperer able to communicate with animals in a way only few can. Through the years many, many times her wisdom came through in every aspect of my and my families life, thus creating proof that there is accuracy in ancient tribal customs.

My beliefs are a little of everything that believes in god and I do practice a little of the Cherokee Beliefs, so when I was introduced to the wicks of wisdom site I naturally became curious. It's neat to have things that help us focus and obtain, but for me it is important that it held true to the will of god and what he wants for our lives, so I began to do research on all religions.

Many religions use the process of burning things to cleanse and purify or as an offering dating back to Pagans who sacrificed live things like animals and virgins!

What I learned was the candles among other tools were used to show respect, honor and joy in whatever religion for the living and the deceased. That although these tools were used by Pagans they were also widely used across every religion for varying reasons, thus they could not be labeled either bad or good and were decidedly adapted to each religion with a different name, meaning and use, including different anointing resting upon them by the heads of religion.

Some religions call it spell casting, some call it cleansing and purifying, but most of the religions use natural herbs, incense and candles for the same purpose.

I also learned that religions are more similar then we know and that there are different types of just about every religion.

Did you know? Some Wiccans practice positive spells to better man kind, just like Christians pray for and burn candles and incense for positive reasons?

My point is that I decided after looking at Wicks Of Wisdom site and researching that those candles, oils and herbs take on the meanings personalized to only you. If you believe, then they do, if you don't then they don't. It's as simple as that. As with everything you have to believe in something for it to work. It has to be your inner most desire and it either is for you or it isn't. I believe the candles, herbs and oils provide a focus point for your inner most desires, thus they are a positive thing to help you achieve the desired result you want. The key is the desire

The result: The site foundation of Wicks Of Wisdom is positive, run by trustworthy radio/tv personality Linda Salvin and many religions including those who believe in god use these forms of ingredients for many holy purposes, so I say go for it!

If you are interested in knowing more about the Wicks Of Wisdom site, please contact me or leave a comment.

Free Music, Downloads, Community
This article written by Express Rating Services
Get To Know Me Better

I've got your free online education right here

I've got your free online education right here

Free tips and tricks are posted in the topic My Sucess Secrets.

Also see Guru NoNo's for why you should NEVER buy or listen to them!

For the most part I only provide my own education, because over 90% of the internet education out there is false or outdated.

For the record I am an average person who went from failing online listening to gurus to succeeding online making over 11,000 a month after 3 years of hard work, most of which was trial and error.

My Success Secret 2

My Success Secret 2
This entry was posted on 3/3/2006 10:29 PM and is filed under My Success Secrets.

Picking a business to get into can be difficult, but here are some things to look for if you really want to succeed!

1. A product or service that people NEED (Online advertising, online scripts and downloads, etc)
2. Pick a reputable company to represent, someone who has been online for over a year, has a great Internet rating and has a customer service phone number and address
3. NO programs where you have to wait for the new people to spend before you get paid (Also known as people helping people programs).
4. No programs where you have to recruit or benefactor people and really read the websites, because they almost always say recruiting isn't required, but then say "You get so much for recruiting" which means you really do have to recruit IF you want to succeed at it that is!
5. Always run the company name or persons name through google along with the word scam to see what comes up. By persons name and company name I mean the names listed on the website, not the person who sent you the ad, lol

6. If they have a community ask for people to tell you their success stories, how much they had to spend to succeed, how long it took them and if their success was because of recruiting or benefactoring.
8. In making final selections, insure you have one you are building for yourself to run and the other is a great long term opportunIty

For your own business selling community based ad space is a great business to start up, because it is relatively low maintenance you don't need to build website communities as they can be click installed and you can just offer your friends free top ad space if they bring people in to it.

For the second business: I recommend a site that is licensed to invest or piggyback your money onto their stocks like Do-Int as there is low risk, you don't need to recruit or rely on other members to make money. When this company starts taking members again would you like to be contacted? If so post a comment request below and be sure you have filled out your email in the email space (NOT in the comment text area) I have to approve all comments before they are posted so your info is safe and I wont post your personal info ever!

P.S. I have made over 1000 from Do-Int over the last year, but they keep changing the rules and I keep missing the withdrawal windows. They do have votes on what the members want to do, but for average people like me it is hard to know what is the best thing to invest in.

My Success Secret 1

My Success Secret 1

Always have 2 businesses going and one should be one you started yourself.

Trust me, the only way to make real residual money is to have a business of your own

Have a back up income source incase your business falls on hard times, gets attacked by DDOS, slows or closes for any reason.

Check back weekly for more helpful tips :)

Stormpay vs 12dailypro

Stormpay vs 12dailypro
This entry was posted on 2/26/2006 2:40 AM and is filed under Internet Cat Fights.

Update March 02, 2006: Everything has returned to normal at Stormpay. Withdrawals are being honored, site is always in an uptime state, errors have been corrected and commissions are being doubled every week!
Charis Johnson pretty much wrote her own demise when she agreesively argued with Stormpay over their latest dictatorship policy of our payment processor or no payment processor mandating that you must choose to use only stormpay on your website or remove Stormpay altogether.

Charis pushes the issue with them, agreesively protesting and Stormpay's claws come out with the end result in 12dailypro barely legal business being investigated, her stormpay account closed and all funds distributed to members including commissions from spends for Stormpay affiliates being reversed and charged back.

Charis scratches back with a post on her site forum that Stormpay is stealing members funds and lawyers are getting involved.

To Which Stormpay hisses " We are working with authorities to investigate and a stormpay audit is being done."

Another rabid kitty enters the mix: A supposid angry member starts a DDOS attack on Stormpay and rumor emails fly about how Stormpay is stealing money and Stormpay is closing down (etc)

Members panic! Losing their minds over the loss of money. Commission accounts go -thousands from the reversals of commissions and withdrawals of any 12dailypro members via Stormpay are haulted!


Unverified info: Approximately 85% of members were supposidly affected in one way or another by this whole fiasco.

Stormpay recovers with a month later everyone still seeing reversals and chargebacks, that are finally slowing
and for the lucky a positive figure is restored inside their Stormpay accounts.

Neither ever mentioned exactly who the authorities and lawyers were investigating this incident???

Who were the authorities and Lawyers? We know when Police, FTC or any government authority investigates the site is taken off the net immediately, but 12dailypro and Stormpay both remained online, so my opinion is it was a bunch of words used to make themselves look good!

How were you affected by the Stormpay vs 12dailypro Fiasco? What do you think would have been a better solution to all of this? Post your comments below.

Group of Keen Advisors go on rampage!

Group of Keen Advisors go on rampage!
This entry was posted on 2/26/2006 4:02 AM and is filed under Internet Cat Fights.

Update: Forum discussions created a big stir when one of the advisors shared how she prevents low feedback by googling usernames. Upon more research 2 sites were found one with more updated information on it. It's no secret who many suspect as the owner(s) of these rate bashing sites, but it still remains to be seen if KEEN will do anything about it. Let's hope so, because one thing advisors can agree on is that we are there to help people, not deal with trouble makers!

A group of evil keen advisors have been running a rampage session targeting other keen advisors calling them, telling their members to call them and then leaving 1 star feedback for no reason. Also making up websites outside of keen with do not call lists.

Keen Owners refuse to do anything about this, but Karma is kicking in and these nasty advisors are turning on each other and their clients which is resulting in lots of bad feedback and 1 stars on their own pages!

Can you say, " MEOW, HISSSSS"

Reasons not to put cell phone directly up to your ear!

Reasons not to put cell phone directly up to your ear!
This entry was posted on 4/30/2006 3:26 PM and is filed under Health And Beauty.

We all well know the contraversy between the studies of cell phones and increased risks of brain tumors. Some say it does, others like the FDA says that proper studies were not done, thus it can not be concluded that cell phones cause brain tumors.

How about while they take years making up their minds if it does or does not we just use what we have as preventative tools? yes, folks it ends up to be YOU who are the only one who can truly prevent needless damage to your own body, so excercise the caution by using the technology we have to limit your exposure to possible dangerous substances!

Techonology today has several ways to prevent risks altogether.
1) Buy a good speaker cell phone to talk and listen from a distance Cost: 40-80.00
2) Use wired headphone/mic set Cost: average 20.00

I don't know about you but I choose life over fashion anyday!

FDA information on wireless phones:

Acid Reflux Can Cause Certain Types Of Cancer!

Acid Reflux Can Cause Certain Types Of Cancer!
This entry was posted on 6/27/2006 8:10 PM and is filed under Health And Beauty.

Some scientists and doctors agree that acid reflux causes certain types of cancer. I'm a believer, because recently my uncle was diagnosed with cancer caused by acid reflux! He doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and his only major health issue was severe acid reflux.

According to his doctors acid reflux, along with the symptoms of not being able to swallow, not being able to keep food down IS indeed the cause of his cancerous tumor in his stomach!

Doctors and Scientists agree that acid reflux can do serious damage to your body if left out of control and that EVERYONE who experiences heartburn one or more times a week should be tested.

I urge you to please take the online quiz, because my whole family has this issue and some of us didn't realise the impact not treating it or treating it in the wrong way can cause. Most people think of preventatives like not eating hard to digest, greasy or red sauces plus limiting stress help, but there is so much more, even chocolate and caffiene can cause a flare up!

It is also suggested that NO acid/heartburn/sour stomach be left uncared for as it can turn into severe acid reflux!

During research I learned that even children and infants can suffer from acid problems, so know the signs!

So take the small quiz, consult your physician on what is safest to take and don't let conditions go unchecked ever! Urgent: Consult your physician even for regular heartburn to prevent allergic reactions or over medicating. Your condition may require more, less or a different type of medication!

Free Acid Reflux Quiz- Take it even if you dont think you have it!

More info on acid reflux-has studies that support cancer theory

Children and Infant Acid Reflux

I would like to point out that toxins can cause the acid reflux and many other conditions in your body as I found out when I began taking OPC3 a natural enzyme from Market America which just an easy daily dose cleansed and totally cleared up my acid reflux, allergies and the cost is significantly cheaper then buying acid reflux and allergy medicines! Stupidly for convenience of walking into the store over ordering the enzymes I quit taking it, but I am in contact with my representative and going back on it and staying on it! OPC3 is great for other illnesses as well. As ALWAYS Seek a doctors advice first!

Do you or someone you know have acid reflux issues?
Tell us about it and share what you learned has worked for you?

My own personal whine: "Chocolate? Chocolate? I am part Dutch let alone all woman, how do they expect me to never eat chocolate again?" LOL

Join US Free at

Guru scams you one chapter at a time!

Guru scams you one chapter at a time!
This entry was posted on 2/26/2006 3:42 AM and is filed under Guru-NoNo's.

Guru's out there on the net only sell you a chapter at a time to a never ending novel. By the time you get some real points out of these people, they stuff they have sold you is outdated and doesn't work! Worse off they are charging 30.00-2000.00 per chapter!!

I ask: Would you spend 30.00-2000.00 per chapter on a book at your local bookstore and would you buy the book one chapter at a time?


My children are wonderful syndrome

My children are wonderful syndrome
This entry was posted on 11/2/2006 8:18 PM and is filed under Family Life.

All parents think their children are wonderful, but recent studies show that parents who think their children are truly the best have the truth slammed in their faces one of two ways.

1. Parents have the reality slammed in their faces when they discover their children's secret lives and behaviors..
2. Parents don't save for college due to thinking their child has a special talent that will get them a scholarship only to be let down when their children are turned down.

You can think your children are the best, wonderful, sweet, loving kids, but realize they are just that kids who are not perfect. Be an active part in your children's lives no matter how you believe they are behaving. I guarantee you over 90% of children have hidden lives their parents don't know about! I know I was one of them! Sweet and Innocent at home, but as soon as I was with my friends I got a little wild.. Thank goodness I didn't do drugs or drink, but I was having sex way to young and cursing!!

Don't think this is your child? THINK AGAIN!! Just because you can't accept it, doesn't mean it isn't happening. Know where your children are at all times, interview their friends and their friends parents. Know your neighbors and have look outs for your kids, because it truly does take a village to raise a child!

I figure it this way, you have a choice, "You can be completely involved and know for sure, or you can end up finding out way to late your child has habits that end up in his/her death"

It's as simple as life or death... What do you choose for your children?

This article was written, because a new neighbor of my fiance is a mother who's child got murdered in a town I used to live! The murderer had a known mental condition and was a known offender who should have never been let out of jail. Rather then complaining about what the police should have done I believe we must take precautions ourself... I learned a long time ago that you have to rely on yourself, be responsible for yourself and your family, but that trusted neighbors, friends and family members are all a part of raising a safe and healthy child. Do a check on the internet and court house for public knowledge of offenders and before you move into a neighborhood do a check on the crime, offenders, schools and interview the neighbors. Parents can't be there all the time, but doing your research as well as coordinating with trusted friends, family members, neighbors and even schools can help reduce your childrens risk significantly!

Don't let another innocent child die... Choose prevention, choose life..

Employers/Prospective Employers Sneak Check MySpace!

Employers/Prospective Employers Sneak Check MySpace!
This entry was posted on 11/2/2006 8:13 PM and is filed under Employment.

Yes! You read that right, apparently employers are digging up all your dirt on myspace, so keep that page clean of complaints, poor spelling/grammar or things that could make you look bad!

A recent article found nearly 27 percent of employers run profile checks on google and social networking sites like myspace! Most said they would not hire someone if there was questionable content posted..

The article also stated a recent college graduate confirmed after numerous companies rejected him for hire he was told to google check himself in which he found an article he had written for college entitled "Lying Your Way To The Top!" He promptly asked it be removed and began receiving invitations to job interviews and has now received several offers..

Article Info received from the below sites.
Right click open in new browser window.


1,102 Sexual Predators Caught!

1,102 Sexual Predators Caught!
This entry was posted on 4/30/2006 3:39 PM and is filed under Crimes Using The Net.

It makes me sick to know just how many sexual predators are online after our children! This is exactly why no children under 18 should ever be online without parental protections in place like AND the online computer in a room where the parents are sitting right there!

I know children age 4 who have signed up as adults on a messenger before! Not to mention sex predators can sign up as kids using kids accounts anywhere and everywhere EVEN on parental control websites and programs, THUS the reason why the computer linked to the internet should be in the public area of the house and locked down while parents are away.

I am so scared for kids now a days... It's rediculous and is exactly why communities need to work together to look out for the kids like when we were little. When I was little I couldnt travel within 2 miles of my neighborhood without being parented and having neighbors look out for me.

Parents have to work 2 jobs to make ends meet, but that doesnt mean you "the neighbors" cant help look out for the kids. Even if you dont like the parents, please look out for the kids, because you dont want to see them get hurt right?

It really does take a village to raise a child.

All Sexual Predators are supposed to be kept on an updated registry, but many move and are not re-registering themselves! Search Google For Your State, zipcode and the word sexual predators list to get the free list in your area or go to and pay a small fee to be updated each time a new person moves in near you for just 10.00. With free using the state link and paid using the paid link you get detailed descriptions of who they are and even addresses. This does not mean this is updated info, as they could move and often do without re-registering so it is important to never let your children out by themselves no matter what age they are! I found 18 offenders in my zipcode alone! 1 in 3 girls and 1 in 6 boys will be the victims of a sexual predator, all these kids range from very young to well into their teens, dont let it be your child!!

This weekend when I saw Americas Most Wanted, Advocate John Walsh (the host) was going to beat the predator up, he was so angry and cussing and in the predators face. I really thought he would lose it, but
he kept himself just barely in control. John Walsh became an advocate after his own 6 year old son Adam Walsh was murdered after being abducted from a shopping mall. Walmart emplemented CodeAdam where they train staff to lock down all doors when kids are missing. I know here in Frederick, MD, CodeAdam has saved at least 1 child's life when a stranger tried to remove a child by walking out via the garage area. AMW has long been the show to host the worlds most wanted criminals for every crime imaginable. Once when the network was going to take it off the air due to ratings EVERYONE including government officials stepped in and took action to keep it on the air. It was recognized that this show is needed and even if just one person watches and recognizes the criminal on the list, that is one criminal off the street! AMW has long since been noted an incredible contribution to the world! No other show matches it and never will in my book! To Date 887 dangerous criminals including terrorists have been captured thanks to America's Most Wanted! Praise The Lord!

For more on AMW, John Walsh or view the latest wanted from around the world or when to watch in your area go to:


Illegal Immigrants: We Suffer Too!

Illegal Immigrants: We Suffer Too!
This entry was posted on 5/30/2006 5:17 PM and is filed under Contraversy.

A HUGE debate with Americans angry over the bandaide tactics of BUSH and the unethical demands of illegals is the hot topic and protest scenes all over the country.

This debate has many depths in the contributing factors to the already existing poor economy that most of the government tries to hush everyday.

How can we take in more people when we have millions of families on the streets and in homeless shelters already?

How can we provide jobs to those outside the country when individuals with college education can be found unemployed and living on the streets via downsizing?

Shouldn't we solve America's financial problems before allowing more people to live here?

Shouldn't we be better educating other countries about our poor economic status?

I've talked to people from many countries around the world who sincerely believe we are the richest country in the world living lives of splendor and luxury.. Shouldn't we be publicizing that we may be the richest of all countries, but we are NOT rich! Isn't it time they knew that over 90% of Americans have bad credit or have been through bankruptcy? Shouldn't they know the average yearly income is 30,000 but the cost of just necessities is around 40,000-50,000?

I wonder, if they knew this before they came, would they still come?

These illegal immigrants come here and are hired by companies who wish to find cheap sweat shop type workers who will do all the grunt work for minimal pay which is only accepted by these illegals because it pays
more then in their country, later to discover they still can't meet the economic hikes in rent and necessities!

IS this the country of opportunity? The land of economic and social freedoms or are these illegals becoming victims for the word "opportunity"?

Other points include this land of the free and brave has problems of it's own with Americans being pushed out of work, educated individuals living on the streets and companies too cheap to hire good ole USA workers that ARE willing to do the grunt work and only asking to be paid what it takes to live!!

When I was in school I learned that the state and federal pay was supposed to meet the economic needs of the communities lived in. This means that pay raises were supposed to meet the needs of the people, then I got out of school only to learn that it doesn't work that way!

Everything in this country works and is priced according to trends! If a medicine is popular it costs us more, if a style of clothes or food is popular it's price is more.. In fact I learned that companies raise prices on the average up to 1000% to get the retail prices you pay!

It's madness and we sit here and take all this crap when we are the people and should be out there actively pushing for lower prices, better quality products and that includes illegal immigrants following the legal procedures to get into this country!

Illegal immigrants are like that mad man driving the highway during rush hour darting back and forth in the lanes just because one lane looks less congested. He thinks he can get further faster only to find the lane he darted into is running exactly the same speed as the lane he was in, except now 10 more people join the lane of traffic, cutting people off and driving insanely causing over crowding and dangerous situations resulting in loss of lives. All that happened was the poor slow traffic and overcrowding was moved from one lane to the other..

My opinion is this: I happen to love my community now with it's diverse culture and here Mexicans and foreign people do try to learn the language. I believe if done correctly we can provide a great place for all of us to grow, learn and make money, but everyone has to work together, do things legally and those illegal must make up for the error of their ways. If you want to be here, we love you, but please contribute.

And no more illegals, because most of you are good, but there are those walking across the borders and getting into our country like MS13 who are gang terrorists hell bent on destroying everything you came to this country for in the first place!

What you did was out of desperation for a better life, but realize that doing it illegally sends a message to bad people that they can go to Mexico, walk right across the border and take away the very reason you came to America!

Yes, you are working (most of you), but you need to be paying taxes. You did not come here to live off of us, but if we have to lose jobs, take pay cuts and end up paying for you that is not good for anyone.

This IS America, but we have our own problems too, so stand up, come through legally and become real true proud tax paying citizens..

If you aren't a part of the solution, you are a part of the problem..<--That goes for everyone USA or immigrants!

As for Bush: None of the candidates for president were any better this time, one a party animal and the other an extremist, so choosing you for many was not done with confidence! Best choice doesn't always mean a good thing!

This is NOT the time to say "Oops I did it again, I made a mistake"

Thought office was going to be one big party did ya?

I am sick of hearing how the airport security still sucks, national security can be penetrated and how millions of people can walk through our borders and say, "We're here now, what can you do to millions of us?"

I personally know men who have spent millions inventing security that would be better then what you have, only to be shot down told it is not good enough.. How can that be when what you have is not doing a damn bit of good? I would say anything better is workable for now and would provide more security then we have now!

Get your head out of your behind and make everyone of them accountable, file for citizenship, all the while posing a mandatory back tax penalty over the next 10 years on those who came here illegally, while making all of them pay current US taxes legal or not. Now, this tax penalty doesn't have to be much, even .5 to 1% of what they make over the next 10 years, plus the current tax rate will be enough to provide them with money to live on and help to start repair the damages they caused to the rest of us average people. You can put the rest on big daddy businesses who allowed them to work illegally cutting us out of jobs!

To the businesses: Make them each pay a HUGE penalty according to how many illegals they were found to have. This will provide millions and force companies to hire legal US citizens putting the job and the pay rates back to who and where they should be!

Again: I love all the culture in my community and most of my community immigrants are respectful and do speak English. It is just the illegals I have a problem with because they are putting the burden on us, causing us to lose jobs and pay rates we need to live as well.

We'd love to hear your thoughts on this :)

P.S. I hate to say this, but this is so out of control I think that we do need to do something to send a message that you can not walk over here illegally and get away with it! This is a matter of national security, a big hole in which bad people have used to get into our country. I believe all those illegal immigrants who are unemployed or have a criminal record need to be deported!

P.P.S Don't yell at me that I don't understand, because I grew up under the poverty level in a flood town, so I know full well the issues and desires of the less fortunate! And Im not bitter because I do want you here, I just want you here legally and paying taxes like the rest of us..


Related Links:

Bushes 5 point plan,0,263440.story?coll=ny-nationalnews-print

Those opposed:

Those For:


Updated Feb 2007: Rent A Center Abuse: 1000's File Complaints forcing New Legislation

See comment section, people are flooding in monthly from all over to tell their stories about how RAC treated and ripped them off!

You will not believe this! They are sending me advertising and discount offers trying to get me to buy more stuff from them! NO WAY! NEVER AGAIN! Talk about Bold...And not just one offer by mistake, we are talking several offers since I paid it off.. I am not getting trapped in their web of deceit ever again. I am still reeling from what they did to me. Because of them I don't think I will ever rent to own again from any company!

Latest: Feeling bold I went into the RAC to pay my weekly payment all by myself. The one gentleman there who I don't think approves of what happened has tried both times to be nice to me, but I just am not ready to get chatty with anyone there again. So I make my payment, later realizing I lost or hadn't gotten the receipt and called them when John (the manager) answers the phone. I asked him for a copy of the receipt because I dont remember having it but could have lost it. He keeps me on the phone diddling around for a few minutes, then suddenly says he'll print out a copy. and quote, " Do you want me to mail it or will you pick it up?" Am assuming that he got yelled at by his superiors for telling me mailing was not a proper form of communication before. Anywho I went down there to pick it up and he meets me in the middle of the store and the feeling of that was more like he was rushing me out the door rather then being a gentleman. I am positive he is really angry with me and feels I got away with something, but I didn't ask for none of this to happen and tried to work with them, but they wouldn't.

Most of them act confused and nervous almost like I am someone that can get them in trouble, but I never meant for this. I tried you know? I just want to be recognized as a good person you know?

I think though as time goes on they will chill out as it seems from week to week already they are.

Update: Took 3 weeks and 10 calls to Rent A Center Headquarters to get a call back.. They refused to give me the phone number of the supervisors, regional, (etc) saying they were not allowed to give out that info.
Finally a different guy named woodland calls from a cell phone telling me they recently switched who they are in charge of, thus the calls were rooted to the wrong people.. He looked into my account at my excellent early pay offs and told me they should have never treated me that way and made me a deal taking about 800.00 off the price of the computer and assured me they would not disrespect me again.

I had to go down there to sign up to a new payment agreement and let me tell you after all they had done to me abusively I was full of anxiety, so I asked my bold male friend to go down there knowing he wouldnt allow them to disrespect me, then stood tall and faced these mean people!

When I got there, the very manager who started all this abuse on me was arguing with another customer. Poor customer was so confused. Again things they say, they have not kept up on.

Anywho, so since I have all my money in ventures right now I am trying to make enough to get me through the payments to the 12th of June I need to make 60.00 in payments asap, so please take a look at my yard sale (not new or wholesale) stuff if you are in the USA and buy some things from me to help me out.

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Upon having an issue with Rent A Center Abuse myself I went to google and typed in "Rent A Center, Complaints and was astonished to find the 1000s of complaints alledging abusive collection practices and a few ex employees who told they were threatened their jobs if they didnt do it!

One employee asked for a demotion so he didnt have to do it and they told him NO!

Some Rent A Center clients alledged even when notifying the store prior of a one week late payment the store employees were found banging down their doors, peeping in windows, harrasing phone calls and using the RAC trucks to block the customers car from leaving their driveways!

Yes I agree RAC has the right to get their merchandise or their money and it is a tough industry, but they do not need to go to the extreme with all their customers.

For clients like me who have paid 3 years and spent thousands of dollars paying off everything early, then contacted them for payment arrangements during a low financial time (when DDOS attacks hit stormpay) they should be looking at my history to access a flight risk, but they go way beyond that. They do not just make collection calls or come to your door, they make harrasing calls, refuse all payment arrangements, beat down your door and other extreme stuff starting less then a week after I contacted them to makearrangements.

FTC is no help, because they did a limited survey where only 500 people were talked to. There are millions of rent to own customers and the survey was not properly done, so their 27% of survery'd is way too low a percentage. If that 27% were broken down into each rent to own company I guarantee it would name Rent A Center as being the main trouble maker.

I would guestimate the actual total if all rent to own customers were involved in a survery that over 90% would be dissatisfied in some way and about 80% had been abused at least once with over 70% claiming collections abuse!!

The reason for my high guestimation? Well it has to be an overwhelming percentage, because new legislation is being pushed calling for caps on what prices can be charged and the consumer protection laws concerning the constant abuse people suffer at the hands of mainly Rent A Center when there is any type of issue!

Since the Rent To Own industry does not charge based on the value of a product it is estimated that as much they often receive as much as 6x's the amount on previously rented items and 3x's the amount on new items!!

When interviewed former customers said they weren't aware that rent to own places had to abide by the same collection laws as any creditor with those renting from Rent A Center citing that RAC employees insinuated the laws for them were different.

A study of the law and a recent call to several attorneys assured me that RAC does indeed have to follow the same collection laws and that they had indeed broken collection laws in my instance! These lawyers said that it is hard for consumers to interpret the collection laws in the case of the rent to own industry, because the law needs to be amended to add the word rent to own into it.

I'm confident with many states banning high interest loans already that the new legislation will indeed include the amendments and cap the rent to own industry while enforcing newer and stricter collection procedures as well.

It is my hope that we can get the message out, the law changed and RAC fined for abusing these laws, yet still give rent to own their security as it is a tough industry.

Some have commented that if we dont like their agreement why rent from them? For some it's not a choice! If your needed equipment breaks down and you have no or bad credit it is hard to get a loan and often times you can't, so choosing to replace things is sometimes an immediate need! Rent To Own victimizes no or poor credit people. Where you can pay 50.00 a month at the store, you pay 200.00 a month to them, most people can't afford that, but are forced to when needed equipment breaks down and this is how we become victims!

So what is the solution? Well if you need it now, try hard to find a bad credit loan or credit card as the payments and interest are considerably cheaper.

If you can wait, then just do layaway or save the money, because with 200.00 a month for 2 months and you could have a brand new dell laptop where as rent to own you pay up to 6x's for used merchandise and you are paying on it for a year! Don't pay 2000 for a 399.00 item if you dont have too! Even their cash prices and quick pay off prices are extremely higher, so just say NO!

So if you are abused what do you do?

1. I recently learned about calling the company HQ. When I called they directed me to a multiple store supervisor I didn't know about. I am awaiting a call back from him on Monday.

2. File a complaint with your states attorneys office (in writing), the BBB and any complaint site you can find online!

There are no benefits to buying from rent to own places, they don't even report you as being a good paying customer (they do report you if bad), so the extreme prices and abuse is not worth it!

For those of you curious to know of my own horrifying experience with Rent A

3 years of buy thousands in merchandise and paying it off early. One time of financial issue that would have been resolved and back on time quickly kept in contact with them, but they refused temp payment arrangements, then in less then a week several harrassment phone calls, banging down my door so loud the neighbors 4 houses down could hear and filed a legal judgement against me even after I sent them a payment. They told me my method of contact was unprofessional and unacceptable. Lawyers told me in writing was legal and the sheriff who handed me the complaint told me to send everything in writing for proof as well. I did the right things and got abused anyways!!

The sad part is for three years these people pretended to be my friend, even goofing around with me on visits to the store and conversations over the phone. All of it was fake to keep my business! NEVER AGAIN!

Go ahead, google rent to own complaints and rent a center complaints and thousands of complaints and articles will pop up.

Tip: Keeping up payments or making payment arrangements even in times of issues/disputes creates credibility on your part with the judge and jury should there be one. Even if they refuse the payment arrangements still try to send them what you can afford on a regular basis. It gives them less of a leg to stand on in cases of abuse collections. If you do have the product and can return it that is the best thing to do, but be sure you return the product when the store is busy and take a witness with you making them give you a paper that states you returned it and no longer owe them. Always get and send everything in writing and if possible registered mail they have to sign for in which you keep a copy for yourself. This way they can not say they never got it or said it.

Do you have something to say about this?

Have you been victimized by Rent A Center?

Post your comments below!

Recent Comments From RAC employees and customers..From oldest to newest

11/14/200611:39 AMI have a question! I have been renting from RAC and was a week late on my payment. They came into my home while I was gone and the babysitter was there with my kids. She told them she didn't live there and she would not give them permission to take anything because I was not at home. My 13 year old told them to leave and they basically laughed in her face. She got scared and locked them out, leaving half of the merchandise. What are my rights here?!?!?--Julie
11/16/200610:04 AM What I did was use the link below, then contacted the customer service number (right side) with my complaint.
02/06/200707:29 PM billie
i have rented from rent a center just becuase last nov my husband had 2 heart attacks in nov and dec they took my computer and i only owe 20 weeksbut thats not all they took they took my property as well the connections to my printer i had to replace them both and i have a letter from the say because i was i great coustomer i could have my item back at any time they are refusing to accept that letter even thou i have it in writing i never did get my 500 .00 dollars in grocery coupons being a prefered coustomer the way they treat pepole is criminal they should be in jail i hope they go out of bussiness
Reply 02/10/200706:14 PM Definitely call RC headquarters from their website, as they have no right to keep your connections. They can only take their property, anything else is stealing!

02/06/200707:33 PM Mrs. H, did you know that they have ben sue for miilions of dollars for selling people used stuff and telling them its new and they are lie about the 500.00 in grocery coupons i was a coustomer for 5 years never recive mine and they are thefts i wrote to the bbb you should to
Reply 02/10/200706:20 PM You can pretty much figure people are suing them.Sadly I see here they are thriving still and have bought out rentway, but I heard Maryland is about to hand down some serious restrictions on them.Yeah for us.. Maybe other states will follow.We got rid of the unfair loans here, now I would love to see Rent A Center gotten in control as well.Love,Crissy

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Debt Relief-How to get out and stay out of debt!

Debt Relief-How to get out and stay out of debt!
This entry was posted on 5/10/2006 3:20 AM and is filed under C-Debt Relief.

Debt Misery-Take The First Step To Relief Today!

An estimated 77 Million Americans have medical bills problems or medical debt. An estimated 50-60% Americans hold credit card balances, An estimated 56% rise in families with heads of house age 55 or older spending 40% of their income on debts! Sadly the commercial industry has become more greedy rewarded with percentage commissions rather then rewarding those for paying cash!!In the midst of this we fall victim to need rather then cautioning risky ventures and easy money, because more then ever we need money to just get by until tomorrow! Rent To Own, Bad Credit Loans and Cards are killing us in interest while tripling the price of the item or loan up to three times the retail price would be!!

So what do we do when we've gotten captured by the have to have it, can't pay for it with cash bug? How do we get out when we have gotten too far in?

Here are the first steps to take:

1. If it's rent to own or something you can take back, take it back immediately! You can always put that product on layaway later at much less a cost!

2. If you can't take it back to the store, then sell (NO PAWN SHOPS) it for what you owe on it, then pay the companies immediately. Sometimes this means selling off other things you have too, in order to pay your bills.

3. Take in room mates if you can to get some help with the bills. If you can't try to sell or find a less expensive place.

4. Minimize debt, buy generic items, remove unnecessary spending like extra clothes, cell phone, premium cable and such. Look for better deals on insurance, internet, phone company, there are all out there if you look.

1. Credit Counseling: In your local phone book, every state has their own credit counseling agency. The local agencies will negotiate with your credit card companies and unsecured debts to reduce your debt up to 57% and make one payment a month rather then to multiple companies. They also help you create a living budget. If you don't have one in your area try Care One will help you get out of debt and stay out of debt. From someone who has been there, "Don't wait another minute, do it now! They will help you stop the credit calls!"

2. If unemployed find work as quick as possible. If you have a temp agency apply there as those people work hard to get you into a position and even provide training! If employed take on a part time job.

3. Most regular utility, phone electric, cable are happy with you if you pay half the bill each month. If you get a shut off notice call them up and talk to them to set up payment arrangements.

TIP: It is crucial to keep in contact with your creditors even if you can't pay them.

Did you know? You can demand a secondary collection agency stop contacting you? Yes, I have the form letter and the law states that you have the right to only receive collection notices and calls from the creditor (companies you owe) themselves. Often times they will hire a collection agency and you have the right to tell the secondary agency to stop contacting you!

4. Rebuild Credit: Unfortunately to rebuild credit you have to be paying loans and long term bills on time for a year or more. Carlton Sheets talks about buying 1000 CD's to reestablish credit with your bank as they can be used as collateral and that takes around 6 months to a year and often multiple CD purchases!

5. DON'T TAKE RISKS! Immediately remove yourself from high risk money making programs! Just say NO! Click here to learn how to spot a bad program right from the email!

WARNING!! Use Bankruptcy as your last option. The laws have changed and now you have to go on a payment plan which some have said is higher and causes more credit problems then just using a credit counselor! If you must, shop around, do NOT use MALL lawyers as they have been known to not represent you well AND shop around you can get a reputable bankruptcy attorney for 500.00!

FTC: Just Say No To Doublers/HYIP/Matrixes Or Face Jail Time!

FTC: Just Say No To Doublers/HYIP/Matrixes Or Face Jail Time!
This entry was posted on 4/30/2006 1:55 PM and is filed under Government Crack Downs.

Federal Trade Commission is working hard to protect you from illegal and high risk programs by posting warnings, pushing through legislation and shutting down programs that are high risk involving clients who have to wait in a line of other people to be paid.

With Police now online all over the world, programs are going down left and right already.

FTC basis thus far is their use of already stated and updated definition of the illegal ponzi schemes. It states that any program that pays for the recruitment of members or pays out in a line on the basis of the next person spending into it IS an illegal Ponzi scheme and anyone found to be participating can and have faced heavy fines and jail time.

FTC also states that it IS a ponzi scheme even if there is a product/service bought or received in exchange of payment when ever you have to wait in line behind another person to be paid and if you have to pay someone to join.

The difference between a Ponzi and Affiliate Program:

Ponzi- You pay or get paid for clients to sign up even when a product/service is given for the money where by you are put in a line or on a waiting list sometimes, but not always and/or where your money is grown by the spends of other members. Sometimes the member above is paid directly other times you are put in a line or on a waiting list.

Affiliate Program: The sale of the product or service is the sole reason you get paid. (I.E. Membership Sales where you sell a product or service to someone else, then get paid a portion of the sale)

So how do you know if the program is a Ponzi? Here is a simple checklist

1. Is the program requiring recruiting?
2. Do you have to wait in a line of people to be paid?
3. Are you put on a waiting list of people to be paid?
4. Does your money grow by others spending?
5. You got in free, but get paid to sign people up

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions then it is most likely a ponzi
If you answered yes to 1 and no to 2, 3, 4, 5 is mostly likely a hidden ponzi
If you answered no to 1 and yes to 2,3,4, 5 it is a ponzi

Hope you guys actually listen to me this time as I would hate to see you lose more money or get busted by the police for being in one of these.

If you don't believe me about the police being online take a look at the world news for all the perv's being arrested lately from online!!