Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Acid Reflux Can Cause Certain Types Of Cancer!

Acid Reflux Can Cause Certain Types Of Cancer!
This entry was posted on 6/27/2006 8:10 PM and is filed under Health And Beauty.

Some scientists and doctors agree that acid reflux causes certain types of cancer. I'm a believer, because recently my uncle was diagnosed with cancer caused by acid reflux! He doesn't smoke, doesn't drink and his only major health issue was severe acid reflux.

According to his doctors acid reflux, along with the symptoms of not being able to swallow, not being able to keep food down IS indeed the cause of his cancerous tumor in his stomach!

Doctors and Scientists agree that acid reflux can do serious damage to your body if left out of control and that EVERYONE who experiences heartburn one or more times a week should be tested.

I urge you to please take the online quiz, because my whole family has this issue and some of us didn't realise the impact not treating it or treating it in the wrong way can cause. Most people think of preventatives like not eating hard to digest, greasy or red sauces plus limiting stress help, but there is so much more, even chocolate and caffiene can cause a flare up!

It is also suggested that NO acid/heartburn/sour stomach be left uncared for as it can turn into severe acid reflux!

During research I learned that even children and infants can suffer from acid problems, so know the signs!

So take the small quiz, consult your physician on what is safest to take and don't let conditions go unchecked ever! Urgent: Consult your physician even for regular heartburn to prevent allergic reactions or over medicating. Your condition may require more, less or a different type of medication!

Free Acid Reflux Quiz- Take it even if you dont think you have it!

More info on acid reflux-has studies that support cancer theory

Children and Infant Acid Reflux

I would like to point out that toxins can cause the acid reflux and many other conditions in your body as I found out when I began taking OPC3 a natural enzyme from Market America which just an easy daily dose cleansed and totally cleared up my acid reflux, allergies and the cost is significantly cheaper then buying acid reflux and allergy medicines! Stupidly for convenience of walking into the store over ordering the enzymes I quit taking it, but I am in contact with my representative and going back on it and staying on it! OPC3 is great for other illnesses as well. As ALWAYS Seek a doctors advice first!

Do you or someone you know have acid reflux issues?
Tell us about it and share what you learned has worked for you?

My own personal whine: "Chocolate? Chocolate? I am part Dutch let alone all woman, how do they expect me to never eat chocolate again?" LOL

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